Welcome to Sandstone Lakes
Early Learning Centre
Why choose us?
At Sandstone Lakes Early Learning Centre, we strive to provide positive environments and experiences that allow children to develop a strong sense of identity and belonging. Children need time just to ‘be’ – time to play, try new things and have fun.
We recognise that children are active seekers of knowledge with a natural curiosity to learn about themselves and their surroundings. At Sandstone Lakes Early Learning Centre the children have the opportunity to create, explore, experiment, create, construct, hypothesise and aspire through developmentally appropriate learning experiences and the language of play as we endeavour to support their growth and development through high quality care and education.
The staff at Sandstone Lakes Early Learning Centre are caring, motivated, qualified educators who are responsible for meeting all the children’s needs and interests; working in partnership with the children, parents and wider community to develop the children to their fullest potential.