Sandstone Lakes EARLY LEARNING
Throughout their time at Sandstone Lakes Early Learning Centre, your child is provided with developmentally appropriate learning experiences in enriched learning environments to support their growth and development. From our Nursery to Kindergarten, your child’s needs are met through staff providing appropriate learning experiences based on individual and group needs and interests.
We provide a range of opportunities on a daily basis for your child to experiment, discover, solve problems, and to find out about themselves, other people and the world around them in one of our four rooms and three outdoor areas.

Nursery 6 weeks to 2 years (Squirtles)
Individualised care within a warm, caring and nurturing environment characterises our nursery. The infants’ routine is highly flexible and individualised. A developmental program ensures that all areas of your child’s development are met.

Toddlers 15 months to 3 years (Ducklings)
Our Toddlers are developing their independence, a sense of their own identity, and an understanding of how they fit into the world around them. We provide a range of activities and support to assist these developmental areas within a friendly, secure, safe, stimulating environment.

Junior Kindy 2.5 years to 4 years (Squawks)
Your child is now at an age of increasing independence as they strive to do things for themselves. A supportive and educational environment allows your child to develop their capabilities and interests at their own pace, according to their individual needs.

Senior Kindy 3 years to 4 years (Lizards, Integrated within Kindergarten)
As children grow, so do their abilities. Your child is developing rapidly. Their social relationships strengthen, their interests are concentrated and they become more independent in daily activities. A stimulating, challenging environment ensures that your child develops and grows.

Kindergarten 3.5 years to 5 years (Snakes)
Kindergarten is a valuable period in your child’s development. High quality educational programs guided by the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline and delivered by a qualified teacher provide a range of meaningful, planned and spontaneous learning experiences. Our school readiness program ensures your child is ready for Prep.
Group sizes and child/staff ratios are regulated and enforced by the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 and are as follows:
Birth to 2 years 1:4
2 years to 3 years 1:5
3 years to 5 years 1:11